
This site is for informational purposes only, does not constitute individual investment advice, and should not
be relied upon as tax or legal advice. Please consult the appropriate professional regarding your individual
circumstance. Because investor situations and objectives vary this information is not intended to indicate
that an investment is appropriate for or is being recommended to any individual investor.

There are material risks associated with investing in private placements, DST properties and real estate
securities including illiquidity, speculation, general market conditions, interest rate risks, financing risks,
potentially adverse tax consequences, general economic risks, development risks, and potential loss of the
entire investment principal.

DST 1031 properties are only available to accredited investors (typically defined as having a $1 million net
worth excluding primary residence or $200,000 income individually/$300,000 jointly of the last two years
and accredited entities (typically a private business development company or an organization with assets
exceeding $5 million; or in some situations if an entity consists of equity owners who are accredited investors,
the entity itself is an accredited investor provided the organization was not formed with a sole purpose of
purchasing specific securities) only. If you are unsure if you are an accredited investor and/or an accredited
entity, please verify with your CPA and Attorney.

HPA Xchange offers securities through American Alternative Capital, LLC (AAC), member FINRA/SIPC. HPA
Xchange is independent of AAC. Only available in states AAC is registered. You can check the background of
AAC on FINRA’s BrokerCheck.